Friday, October 29, 2010

Reception Part Dos, AND!!!

Like I said, I was half awake and I was probably forgetting stuff! Like...\


This is a Halloween Reception, and in the spirit of the holiday that Amy and I enjoy the most we would love to see some costumes!!

You don't have to buy anything special or expensive. Here's an idea that harkens back to our early childhood: get some black tights a trash bag and some sunglasses, go as a California Raisin.

But, you go with your best judgment. Zombies easy to pull off too, just sayin'.


Holy crap we're getting married today! It's come upon us so quickly I can't believe it! It feels really awesome, and slightly surreal at the same time, and the wedding hasn't even happened yet. I am excited x 100,000%2!!!!!

This time tomorrow we're going to be married!!

I don't know what else to say guys!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Reception for the Newlydeads

But First a Message

So I got a few texts and messages today about yesterday's post. To reiterate just in case: the invitations we sent out were for the reception (which is what this post is about), the wedding itself has always been for Friday, it's what I got work off for. Don't feel bad if you can't make it to the wedding ceremony, just make sure you to come to the reception and party!

And Now Reception Stuff

So, as many of your Invitations will have said, we are having a Halloween reception at Balia Venues from 6 to 10p.m. Saturday October 30th. The owners of the venue are allowing us to come in up to an hour earlier to set up, so anyone who wants to help with this, it would be completely awesome! We're planning on setting up the foyer first, that way if we're not done by the time six rolls around we can hold people in there while we scramble to finish up.

The parking lot is located on the side and behind the building, which used to be a steakhouse of some kind prior to becoming a venue rental spot. There are doors on the side, and then there are front doors facing McFarland Ave. Because we're wanting to use the foyer as a potential floodgate the side doors will be locked, so please don't freak out that you can't get in. I'll make a nice friendly sign telling you to go to the front just in case you don't know what to do at that point.

After set up and the floodgates are released, everyone will have some time to mingle, get some food, socialize, do what have you. This isn't a formal dinner or anything, we'll have: snacks, finger foods, desserts, and other things to fill your belly, but if you need either grab something on the way over, don't come hungry but don't come stuffed either.

Because there is no formal dinner, and the reception is more of a social hanging out we ask that there be no speeches.

Also, I believe we'll have little disposable cameras situated at each table for the guests to kinda help capture the party, that way if anything cools going on and Carrie isn't around to see it, or multiple cools things are happening and Carrie can only get one, you can come to the rescue and capture that instance. Plus, Carrie is a guest too and we don't want her spending the whole event behind the lens. That goes for all would be camera wielders! Enjoy yourself, talk to some new people you've never met before, we can make a scavenger hunt out of it (no we're not, I'm half awake typing this, don't listen to me)!!

About an hour after we start up Amy and I will have our first dance, and then the floor will be open to whomever. If anyone has a video camera, it'd be awesome if you could bring it, I would really love to have a copy of our first dance :)


Amy and I are rock fans, and so a good amount of the music we're thinking about playing at the reception reflects this, though there are going to be some fun staple party songs played as well... or at least staples in our ring of friends (Time Warp anyone?).

Just thought I'd put that out there.

After the Reception

Because the venue is only giving us a few hours to spend, we figured if anyone was wanting to stick around afterwords we could all head out to our place and hang out. I'll warn you now that parking is a pain, so any condensing of the vehicles is highly suggested... or you could park in the grass like I've seen some residents do. There are available parking spots down the way towards the newer apartments in our complex that can be used, but it gives you a small walk to our apartment.

We'll probably have games and movies going throughout the night, and some alcohol options for those who may be interested. Whatever the mass feel like doing.

I may do some revising to this later, I'm about half awake trying to finish typing this thing out because I'm not sure I'll have time to post it tomorrow. There are a few more posts I want to get on here, plus editing some older posts where they'll have tags so things can be found easier.

We're almost there guys!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More About the Wedding Ceremony

Location and Weather

As Amy posted on Friday, we are in fact having a ceremony instead of a court wedding. It will be held at Capitol Park near downtown Tuscaloosa. It's a really awesome place you guys!

So awesome in fact that we'll still be holding it at Capitol Park even if it rains! Though, and I am watching it pretty regularly, isn't showing any rain for that day, or that weekend! It's going to be a cool 69°, hopefully the sun will still be up. I would suggest bringing a light jacket just in case. And if it does rain, perhaps some umbrellas... just in case someone forgot. Like the Bride and Groom.... :P

For those last minuters, such as myself, who wouldn't be coming via carpool, Capitol Park is located on the West side of Lurleen Wallace, down 6th Street. I know the picture looks as though you can jump onto University Blvd and get there, but that road dead-ends and you have to get onto 6th in any case. I will say that there is extremely limited parking, so if you can carpool do so.


I've got a few texts and calls about the fact that we changed our original plan of Court Marriage to Ceremony Marriage, and how said callers/texters wouldn't be in town by that point to attend. It's okay!! We kind of figured that would happen.

The invitations and the blog have all been pointing towards the Court Marriage and then a big Halloween reception on Saturday. This is a last minute change, and we don't expect everyone to jump when we say jump. If you haven't got it by this point, Amy and I are pretty laid back. We aren't going to be jumping down your throat because you didn't take work off or school off or whatever to get down here for our last minute ceremony.


As posted on Friday, the ceremony will be held at 5:00p.m. at Capitol Park. The Ceremony will be headed by our awesome officiant Barbara, who was pointed in our direction by our friend Carrie, who will be behind the camera for a little while during the wedding and reception. Amy and I got a chance to meet up with Barbara a few days ago and talk to her, share some ideas on this last minute event, all of which she seemed very enthusiastic in helping us in.

As far as the ceremony itself, the original idea was to attempt some form of Guerrilla style wedding where we just all run in, do a real quick wedding, and then run out before anyone else in the area figured out what the hell just happened. We had contacted the Birmingham Museum of Art to see if we could do this in their sculpture garden, but they said nay.

So after some discussion, we settled on Capitol Park. But in keeping in the spirit of the Guerrilla wedding, we will not be having people line up or stand on particular sides or anything like that. We'll arrange guests when they get there!

There will be no wedding party, though there may be an acting wedding party at the reception, Barbara will handle the rings until it's time for us to put them on. And to keep the rings safe, Amy and I went and got this little pinch-toe coffin to hold the rings. Aside from cleaning the house this weekend while Amy helped Carrie take photos at another wedding I painted and pillowed(?) the coffin, and then Amy added a shiny glaze over it earlier today.

I think it looks pretty damn neat, but I'm bias. I'm not sure what we'll do with it afterwords but I plan on keeping it! May take the pillowing out of it though...

The awesome thing about it is yesterday Amy and I went looking for a journal or something to act as a guest book for the reception and we found a nice one that matches the little design of the coffin. At that point we had to get it!


Wear whatever the hell you want. As long as you aren't going to be arrested for indecent exposure, we'll be fine with it. In fact we almost insist you dress as casual as you can. But wear what you will, no one's gonna jump you for wearing your Wassup Budweiser tee you should have retired years prior.

Post Ceremony

After the ceremony itself, and depending on the lighting situation (sorry Carrie, it may go suddenly dark on us) we may hang around the park for a little bit to take photos. I suggest climbing on the ruins of the old capitol building myself, as it's very hard not to do when you're there. The siren song of the ruins beckon you to play!! Plus you get fun and unique photos!

Then, everyone load back into the vehicles and we'll head over to Amy's parent's Bill and Karen's house for pizza and beer and movies and hanging out at the fire pit!

Any and all food allergies/special preparations should be discussed before Friday!

Celebrating can go on as long as necessary, just remember Saturday is crunch down time to finish foods. I'll have more on the reception tomorrow! Unless I'm busy and I can't get to it, like how this was going to be posted yesterday but I didn't get to it until today...

Friday, October 22, 2010


I think that usually the bride and groom have all of their wedding details figured out months and months before the actual wedding itself- officiant, location, number of guests, time of day, etc. Until about a week ago I suppose Jon and I did as well. As most of you know, the whole court wedding thing kind of fell apart on us. I didn't want to not know if we could get married in Tuscaloosa County until the day of, and if not I didn't want to drive hours around Alabama on my wedding day just to find a place that would marry us.

Thanks to our friend Carrie, we found an officiant to do our wedding on the 29th! An awesome one too! So yes, we are getting married Friday
the 29th, and we are having a real ceremony.

Capitol Park is the place that we've chosen to have our short and totally awesome ceremony. It's old, crumbling, a Tuscaloosa landmark, and best of all, it's free! I think it fits the mood of our wedding and reception pretty well.

The wedding is going to be at 5pm sharp on Friday, October 29th. There's not going to be any music, any big entrances, or anything like that. It's going to be a simple, personal, come-as-you-are type wedding. Wear whatever you like, though I do think wearing heels would be a bad idea as the area is pretty grassy and there's a gravel walkway that leads up the building. What you wear isn't important to us; you being there is the most important thing. Also, everyone will be standing. The ceremony is going to be short (5-10 minutes tops), but if you need a chair then please let me know and we'll bring you one!

So yes. If you're in town that Friday, please come. We'll probably organize some carpools because there's not a whole lot of parking. And afterwards, we're all going to my parents house to grill out, eat pizza and have a beer. And of course the Halloween reception Saturday night is still on! I expect to see lots of awesome costumes, so don't let me down!

I'm starting to get excited, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys next week! I have a lot on my plate right now (lots of papers and tests next week!) so I may not be very much fun if you get here early. I think we've got most of the stuff done that needs to get done, aside from the cake and food. I'm making the cake myself, and I will most definitely need a few kitchen bitches to help me assemble and cook some of the other food that we're going to have!

See you soon!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Attention K-Mart Shoppers!

So earlier this week on Thursday Amy and I went up to the court house and got ourselves a Wedding License. We are legally capable of marrying each other! We are having some trouble with the finding someone to do the marrying however...

Worry not dear attendees! This issue will be resolved with swift action(s?)! In fact several friends have given us very useful options to choose from, so while the plans may need some modifying we are still getting married! And regardless of what happens, we are still expecting you all to show up in Halloween costumes! I hope you all have something picked out! And no inappropriate costumes please, this shouldn't be something needing mention. Zombies are good, slutty witches are not.

There has been a small issue on the RSVPs: we've only got about a third of them back. This isn't too much of a problem as we understand that some of these are coming back from several states, but we do expect all of them back in here very soon regardless of whether or not you are coming seeing as how they all were sent out with the postage stamp already provided. So please, if you haven't yet: fill it out, make your mark, lick, return, tell us to be on the lookout!

And for the people we invited during Kat and Gavin's wedding: Welcome! The above blurb does not apply to you! I will be sending out a nice invitation/RSVP e-mail sometime here either today or tomorrow! Since we're planning on doing something with the RSVPs just tell us your yes's or no's and we will fill out your RSVP for you.

For the Early Arrivals

Amy and I are trying to plan some things to do for those of you who will be showing up early for the reception as a thank you. While the details are a bit foggy -it will depend on what we end up doing as far as the actual marriage- we're thinking about having who would want to go go with us to Sloss Furnace in Birmingham for Sloss Fright Furnace.

Now Birmingham is a crazy place to navigate, more so than Atlanta as there are no road signs telling you how to get back to the highway until you are passing the exit ramp that suddenly appeared out of nowhere! It is a somewhat creepy place to get stuck in -full of countless one way roads, random warehouse districts, crusty jugglers- so if we do end up visiting Sloss everyone will be given detailed directions and encouraged to use their GPS's if they have one.

There are other things planned, but Sloss is one of the few plans we're really hooked on. Also I know some people have aversions to haunted houses and wanted to give them some heads up so as to center themselves if need be, or be prepared to be peer-pressured unto oblivion!

Aaand that's all I got!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Busy Month

October is gonna be a pretty busy month! In a good way I assure you!

Like for instance this weekend is:
  • Kat and Gavin's wedding!
  • Carrie and Alan's 1st anniversary!
  • My parent's 26th anniversary!
And that's just the weekend!

We're packing up and getting ready to head out for said wedding right now, it'll be the first time I've ever been to Michigan and I think it's Amy's first time too! Busy month, busy weekend, busy life!

Also I may or may not be becoming a GAP Leader at work! I took a test and interview and everything seems real good in my favor, so yay!

But yeah, that's a little update for you guys!
Enjoy your weekends!

Monday, October 4, 2010

25 More Days

All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy. All work and no play makes Amy a dull boy.